Monday, August 2, 2010

LoMangino Tournament

Well, we have been away from here for a while, but the boys have been busy !!! They are competing in a baseball tournament as we speak. They played the BEST game of their careers the other day (Saturday). Nick Cali hit his first homerun all the way over into the next field !! WAY TO GO NICK ! Chris Heyer also had an over the fence homerun. Matt Kurta played an AWESOME first base. Good pitching by John Heyer and Joey Nicoletti. The entire team had their stuff together. It was the best game they have played together in a while, if not ever.
We had our second car wash, and it went well. The first one was AWESOME, this one was good. They had fun and worked really hard. We will have our last one August 22 at PJ's Auto Center in Franklin Square again, please spread he word. Cooperstown is visible now, its coming fast. We leave for upstate on the 27 of August.
Once again, I cannot thank the coaches and manager enough !! We have one of the best if not the best coaching team in travel ball. As a parent I see how others teams interact and how other coaches speak and teach their kids. I am so glad we do not have what the other teams have. For example, our kids are respectful of EACH OTHER - they are not degrading and nasty to each other, as I have seen other teams be. The coaches are not degrading to the team as a whole, as I have seen other coaches screaming and yelling at the kids. Remember this is baseball, it is a GAME - a TEAM sport. Somehow, some people forget that. The people who do forget, must not have been very good when they were in High School and try to relive their baseball dreams. I am very happy and proud to say that I am a Wildcats parent and I am very proud that my son is part of such a great team. He and all the other boys are so lucky to have what they have. They may not realize it right now, but they will , I promise.
So for now we are in the top three in the tournament. Let's see if we can move on up !!

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