Friday, August 13, 2010

HBQVB Tournament over

Well, we are out of the tournament. Just couldn't get a grip on the last game. They tried, but not hard enough. Sometimes it is 100% mental, and it just wasn't there. Well, there is always fall ball !!!
Either way, we are going to Cooperstown and the Long Island Wildcats better get their mental game together, or else ! Cooperstown is no HBQVB. We all know they are capable of it, the question is do THEY know !!! I sure hope they do.

See ya'll in Cooperstown !! Woo - Hoo !!!


On another note ... the Wildcats "social" at the Pompei was cancelled, it will be rescheduled for the fall. Hope everyone can make that one !!! Should be a fun night out. Details to follow.

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