Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday's Results ...

Well, we had a terrific Sunday on the baseball field. The Mom's had a lot of fun on the sidelines cheering for our Wildcats.
Unfortunately, the baseball wasn't all that yesterday. The boys played very well in both games, but the other team played just a bit better and we lost both games. :(

The weather was spectacular yesterday and we had a nice smorgasboard of things to eat. Coach Lisa made phenomenal cupcakes that were DELICIOUS !!! Thanks to all the Mom's who helped out - we appreciate all your help and support, even on Mother's Day !! We know the boys have it in them, so we know they will practice hard this week and this coming Saturday will be our day - Go Wildcats !!!

Next week's games are on SATURDAY. Bay Park, East Rockaway at 6:00pm. The boys will be playing "under the lights" - how exciting !!! Should be fun, something new.

Thanks as usual to our great Coaches, without them we would not be. They teach our kids much more than baseball. As a parent I appreciate that !
Until next week ....

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