Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The Fall season has started !!! The Wildcats played two games last Saturday. The first game was a loss. They played OK, but not Wildcats caliber. However, the second game WAS definitely Wildcats caliber. They all were on the ball, literally !! Great hitting by Ray-Ray Close. We knew you had it in you !! Great game by Joey Nicoletti and Jonathan Gateson also.
Thanks to Matt (Cali's friend) who helped us out. Unfortunately we have lost two of our Wildcats to age restrictions. They will be missed, John and Chris Heyer. Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat though !! Come back and cheer them on or just to visit !!

Next game is this Sunday, September 19, 2010 at Baldwin Park (blue field). This game is a double-header, so come prepared !!

Lets go Wildcats, keep up the good work. As Coach Ant says "Can't stop this train" - ain't that the truth !

Check us out on Facebook and LIKE the Long Island Wildcats page.

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