Sunday, May 16, 2010

WON BOTH GAMES - 5-16-10

Way to go Wildcats !! TWO GREAT games today. Everyone did a terrific job today. Matt Kurta had a strong bat today. Ray Close had a great hit, it was caught unfortunately, but had a RBI !! Chris Heyer had a homerun as did Zach O'Connor. Good pitching by Dennis Kadrich, Anthony Bloore and Jonathan Gateson. We wound up winning both games today. Parents and Coaches are proud of all the boys. Cooperstown here we come !! Not much longer now - only 3 and a half months to go !!! Woo- Hoo ... can't wait !

Thanks to all the coaches for your time, effort, energy and patience - we do notice and appreciate all of it.

Next week's game is Sunday at 5:30pm at Benris Park West - Franklin Square (nice and close) under the lights !! Sounds like fun ... we shall see.

Spread the word have your friends, family, opposing teams everybody come check out our team blog .....

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