Monday, August 1, 2011

HERSHEY PARK its coming up !!!

So , Friday is quickly approaching and we will be leaving for our Hershey Park Tournament. It is actually called "Black Monster Brigade Tournament". We have our first game Saturday morning bright and early at 8:30 AM at Coleman Park Field #1.

I know the boys will bring their A-game and do well !!

We will keep you updated as we go along.

Wish us luck .....


Friday, July 29, 2011

Hello ... its been awhile

Well, it has been awhile. I do apologize. The Wildcats are having a great summer in so many ways. First of all they are laying low and learning to gel with each other. It is working !! Our new players, Liam, Patrick, Alex and Nick are fitting in terrifically !! They have become a nice addition to our group. The boys have been in a couple of tournaments and are doing pretty good.
Practices are happening and they are enjoying their time together getting to know each other, its been a long road.

In our last tournament, the Long Island
Wildcats played a team that was superior, definately. The Wildcats did AWESOME !!! I was so proud and happy as a parent to watch how well they did. We wound up losing, but we scored seven runs against a team that no one had ever scored more than two runs against !! Some of the "boys" on that team were the size of the Wildcats fathers !! Wow !!
It was great day for baseball. The fields were nice, the weather was beautiful and the company was GREAT ! We have an incredible bunch of parents, kids, coaches and friends.

So, until next time ... enjoy the rest of your summer !!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Memorial Day !!

The Wildcats Family wants to wish everyone a very happy and safe Memorial Day holiday. The pools are open, the bar-b-ques are hot - but let's not forget the real reason for Memorial Day. Thank you to all our Veterans, past and present. Thank you !

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Uniforms ...

I have only seen one uniform, on my son, and it is SWEET !! The new and improved Long Island Wildcats have gotten new uniforms. Still the same great colors, light blue and dark blue, but a new design. Once they are all together and looking so sharp, they have to win !!! Thanks for putting it all together Coach Anthony - I am sure they will look amazing !

No games this weekend, but there will be practice.
Until next week ....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Last two games ...

Well, its been a rough Spring season so far. The boys are working hard but they just can't seem to catch a break. It seems like they are working hard and not getting anywhere. The games have been very good - exciting games. We have only lost by a few runs in each game, so we are hanging in there. This past weekend the Wildcats lost their two Sunday games against the Rocks, from East Rockaway.
Oh well, better luck next time. The "new" Wildcats are gelling and we seem to have some good fits !!
Stay tuned for the next update .... we still LOVE our Wildcats !!!

Next weeks games to be announced ....

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday's Results ...

Well, we had a terrific Sunday on the baseball field. The Mom's had a lot of fun on the sidelines cheering for our Wildcats.
Unfortunately, the baseball wasn't all that yesterday. The boys played very well in both games, but the other team played just a bit better and we lost both games. :(

The weather was spectacular yesterday and we had a nice smorgasboard of things to eat. Coach Lisa made phenomenal cupcakes that were DELICIOUS !!! Thanks to all the Mom's who helped out - we appreciate all your help and support, even on Mother's Day !! We know the boys have it in them, so we know they will practice hard this week and this coming Saturday will be our day - Go Wildcats !!!

Next week's games are on SATURDAY. Bay Park, East Rockaway at 6:00pm. The boys will be playing "under the lights" - how exciting !!! Should be fun, something new.

Thanks as usual to our great Coaches, without them we would not be. They teach our kids much more than baseball. As a parent I appreciate that !
Until next week ....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day !!

To all our Wildcats mothers, from the bottom of our hearts we wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day !! That includes Mom's, Aunt's, Grandmother's, Godmother's and friends who help along the way. We all know how much the "Mom's" do for us each and everyday, we do appreciate it. Although we have an early game Sunday, we know as many of you who can come will be there. Last year on Mother's Day we were in Randall's Island playing those GINORMOUS "kids", we had a great day. I can't make any promises but I know we ALWAYS have fun. So, we will see everyone bright eyed and bushy-tailed early Sunday morning - Mother's Day.
Until Sunday ...